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Blood Sugar 6.2 forum

Blood Sugar Levels Normal blood sugar levels are not higher than 100 mg/dL during the fasting period (at least 8 hours), or less than 140 mg/dL two hours after a meal. Blood sugar levels higher than this is considered hyperglycemia, while lower values are categorized as hypoglycemia.HbA1C: 5.4% (Normal: 4.0 - 6.2 %). OGTT, 2 hours Should I buy a glucose meter and measure my levels throughout the day. If so, do you .A fasting blood sugar level of 6.2 is mildly elevated, but not yet to the level of diabetes. (I assume that this was a fasting level. If it was not fasting, then it is completely normal and carries no significance.) A fasting blood sugar level up to 6.9 is considered to be an impaired fasting glucose, which is also sometimes referred to as pre-diabetes. Having a blood sugar at this level.Jun 28, 2018 I need help trying to figure out why my bedtime blood sugar was 138 and I just took my fasting and its 203. If it dropped 2/18/2016 A1C 6.2 https://www.diabetesdaily.com/forum/type-2-diabetes/57045-liver-dump-nutshell/.

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I was wondering if a 120 blood sugar level is too high? For those measuring blood sugar in mmol, 120 is equal to 6.6 mmol/l. So let's look at a blood sugar chart, then have a chat about optimal levels.Feb 19, 2017 I'm waiting for appointments with the practise diabetes nurse and the. But, on the calculator online, 132 = an A1C3 of 6.2, prediabetic.For people with Type 2 Diabetes: learn the safe effective ways to control blood sugar without dangerous diets.Managing blood sugar levels if you are ill or hospitalized can be a daunting task, but a very important one! Illness can cause people to experience highs or lows without any apparent reason. For information about managing blood sugars while you are in hospital.

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Dec 25, 2011 So I got my blood drawn and I had glucose level of 127. My dr told me to go back for another lab and my hemoglobin ended up at a 5.9, which .Blood Sugar Levels Normal blood sugar levels are not higher than 100 mg/dL during the fasting period (at least 8 hours), or less than 140 mg/dL two hours after a meal. Blood sugar levels higher than this is considered hyperglycemia, while lower values are categorized as hypoglycemia. Prolonged high values of blood sugar can lead to complications that can permanently damage the patient's organs.An HbA1c test gives you a 3 month average of the glycation or sugar coated bg molecules in your blood. The higher your bgs are the more sugar coating. A 6.2 translates to a bg average.When your fasting blood sugar is at or above 11 mmol/L, you may: Be thirsty; Urinate more often than usual, especially during the night; Be tired; What causes high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia)? High blood sugar can result when food, activity and medications are not balanced. High blood sugar may happen when you are sick or under stress.
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Community discussion about Blood Test - General. Part of the tests and investigations category. Symptom, treatment and advice from community members. Blood Test - General forum content is not moderated or reviewed by doctors.The disease diabetes (any type) means that you have too much sugar in your blood. This page will show you how to best check this. You can normalize your blood sugar naturally as needed – without pills, calorie counting or hunger.I recently went in for a Physical about 1-month ago and my blood sugar was 110. My doctor wanted me to come back in about 4-6 weeks for a fasting test which came out to 120. I had a horrible migrain that morning, and I was just wondering if that could raise my blood sugar. I am about.Hemoglobin A1c Test (HbA1c, A1c, Hb1c) Center Hemoglobin A1c or HbA1c is a protein on the surface of red blood cells. The HbA1c test is used to monitor blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
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Nov 14, 2006 Give them your blood sugars over the last few days so they can check thing for us, I am glad you found the forum and by the way WELCOME.I have posted earlier and have been baffled on why my a1c is a 6.2. I have an endo appointment for this thursday. My fasting blood glucose 90% of the time is in the 90 s. I have been taking my glucose reading about 8 times a day for the last 4 months.Dear april mild46610, I'm afraid, dear lady, that the answer is yes. Your husband's fasting blood glucose level of 5.8 mmol/L is only just above the 'normal' range, but his HbA1c level of 8.0% clearly indicates that he is diabetic.Blood Sugar Forum and Discussions. The most important factor in diabetes management is learning how to control your blood sugar levels. Our forum on blood sugar control and management is where members share their tips on keeping their blood sugar within the normal range.
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These are my blood glucose numbers for the last 6 days. Day 1: 5.7 morning and 5.0 dinner with 6.4 two hours later, Day 2 morning 4.8 and before dinner 4.6., Day 3 5.5 morning before breakfast, 5.9 two hours later, before dinner 5.1 and two hours later 5.9, Day 4 5.5 morning before breakfast, two hours later 5.5 then after dinner one hour later 7.0 - two hours later 6.2. the evening reading.Have just woken and taken a fasting blood test at home and it’s 6.2. This is pre-diabetes. I did a test yesterday 2 hours after breakfast and it was 5.3 so I presumed I was OK. This is pre-diabetes.The Blood Sugar Diet Forums. Welcome! This forum is a great place for everyone who is either doing The Blood Sugar Diet or interested in finding out more and it is entirely.I have reduced my A1C from 12.8 to 6.2. But, I have dramatic swings in blood sugar readings, from 60 fasting.
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Best Answer: Sadly, the clowns have got it wrong again. Your fasting blood glucose level of 6.2 mmol/l [111.6 mg/dL for our American cousins] indicates that your level is that of a pre-diabetic. The 'normal' fasting (after not eating overnight) blood sugar (glucose) level for a non-diabetic would.Nov 18, 2010 I posted to this forum so that those on track for type 2 can read this. Again my latest fasting blog sugar level is 110 and my A1c is 6.2% even .6.2% is below the diagnostic threshold for diabetes (6.5%). Get professional help and join a forum where you can speak to those who have the disease and .Jun 23, 2014 Using 2009 as a guide, projections on this concept of 'pre-diabetes' The UK has defined normal fasting blood glucose levels as 4.0-5.9 (72-106 US). Results: Total: 6.2; HDL: 1.7; Trigs: 1.15; LDL: 3.99 You only have to look in (almost) any diabetes forum to see even more spectacular success stories .

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